Monday, January 4, 2010

Lets Talk about Yahoo Domains

Yahoo has a website dedicated to helping small business get online and provide services to their customers. Some of the services that they provide to customers are domain registration, forwarding domains, web hosting, email, and e-commerce services, and standard web templates. To reserve a domain name in Yahoo is about 10 bucks. The price is reasonable and on par with other domain registrars that offer similar services. To reserve hosting space with Yahoo, they offer $8.00 per month for a 1 year term. What I like about Yahoo is that they have been around for a long time and they are a professional service provider. They are experienced, honest, and provide great customer service in helping people with any issues that they may have with server uptime. Yahoo offers 99.9% uptime, check them out I think they should be an option to consider when you are looking for opportunities to join the E-Commerce, Web 2.0 world.